WWII APRIL 1945 U.S. Third Army Invasion of Germany Infantry & Armored Division "RUDOLSTADT - Germany" Combat Map*

WWII APRIL 1945 U.S. Third Army Invasion of Germany Infantry & Armored Division "RUDOLSTADT - Germany" Combat Map*
Comes with C.O.A.
Printed in APRIL 1945, this incredible WWII combat operations map was specially created and used by U.S. infantry and armored divisions during the Western Allied invasion of Germany in the Western Front of the European theatre of World War II. This specific Invasion of Germany combat map was a bring back from a THIRD ARMY veteran of World War II. This map titled “RUDOLSTADT” is located very close to the larger city of “EURFURT” where the U.S. FIRST ARMY and U.S. THIRD ARMY were in combat operations as they continued to push the Germanys further back in Germany toward the Elbe-Mulde line.
These maps were often revised and printed in the theater of operation using the most updated Allied Ariel photography and Royal Air Force reconnaissance photos. This ‘FIRST EDITION’ map was created using Allied aerial reconnaissance photos from 1944. This specific map type was distributed to units in the area of operations and was used as the map in the most intense battlefields of the ETO. This map would have been a key element in the elimination of German Tiger tanks, German infantry, and various other German fortifications during the final months of World War II. If time and information allowed there would be ‘SECRET’ overprints done on these exact maps to provide infantry and armor and divisions with even more information regarding German fortifications and gun emplacements. This original World War II map would have been vital to US infantry and armored division success as they pushed farther into Germany before the German armed forces surrendered unconditionally in the west on May 7 and in the east on May 9, 1945.
Third Army During WWII:
The Third Army was on active duty in the Southern United States when the United States entered WW II. Between 1932 and 1944, Headquarters for the Army alternated between Fort Sam Houston, Texas (where the VIII Corps HQ was located), and Atlanta, Georgia (where the IV Corps HQ was located), depending upon which Corps had the senior officer. On January 12th, 1944, the advance detachment of the Third Army left for England, and at midnight on January 25-26 General George Patton assumed command of the Army. In July of 1944, the Army Headquarters moved to the Cotentin Peninsula in Normandy, France. After heavy fighting in Brittany, the Third Army broke loose and raced across France crossing the Moselle River and cutting into the German winter defensive positions. Under Patton's brilliant leadership, elements of the Third Army raced 150 miles in 19 hours to attack the southern flank of the German forces during the Battle of the Bulge. After four days of fighting, the German siege of Bastogne was broken and the last major German offensive of WW II was brought to an end. The Third Army then forged the Rhine River, crossed Germany and the Danube River, and finally reached Czechoslovakia before the war ended.