VERY RARE! 1964 Vietnam War Inteligence Report “WAR MATERIAL USED BY VIET CONG IN SOUTH VIETNAM” - Viet Cong weapons, ammunition, mines, and booby traps (100+ pages)

VERY RARE! 1964 Vietnam War Inteligence Report “WAR MATERIAL USED BY VIET CONG IN SOUTH VIETNAM” - Viet Cong weapons, ammunition, mines, and booby traps (100+ pages)
Comes with C.O.A.
This extremely rare and museum-grade Vietnam War artifact dated 1964 titled “CHIEN-CU” is one of the most comprehensive intelligence reports compiled to show the “WAR MATERIAL USED BY VIET CONG IN SOUTH VIETNAM”. What makes this intelligence report so rare is that it contains the most extensive report of Viet Cong weapons, ammunition, mines, and booby traps ever produced during the war. This report is very visual as well as contains English and Vietnamese translations for the supporting ARVN soldiers as well. This revised and updated “SECOND EDITION” was to enhance the identification and proper reporting of captured weapons and materials from the Viet Cong. Because of the RESTRICTED nature of the information in this report, there are not many that are still known to exist.
The Vietnam War, also known as the Second Indochina War, was fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam, supported by their respective allies, from 1955 to 1975. The Viet Cong, or the National Liberation Front (NLF), was a communist guerrilla organization that fought against the government of South Vietnam and its allies. The Viet Cong was known for their unconventional tactics, including the use of booby traps, mines, and ambushes, and their ability to adapt to the terrain.
One of the key factors in the success of the Viet Cong was their ability to obtain and produce war materials. The Viet Cong had access to a variety of weapons and ammunition, some of which were supplied by the Soviet Union and China, while others were produced locally. The weapons used by the Viet Cong included AK-47 rifles, RPG-7 rocket launchers, light machine guns, mortars, and hand grenades. These weapons were reliable and easy to use, and they could be used in both close combat and at longer ranges.
The Viet Cong also used a variety of mines and booby traps, which were designed to inflict maximum damage on their targets. These included anti-personnel mines, which were buried in the ground and could be triggered by a person's weight, and anti-tank mines, which were designed to destroy vehicles. The Viet Cong also used improvised explosive devices (IEDs), which were made from everyday materials such as tin cans, nails, and explosives. These devices were often hidden in roadside ditches or in the foliage along the side of the road, and they could be detonated remotely when a vehicle passed by.
Another important aspect of the Viet Cong's war materials was their ability to produce and maintain them locally. The Viet Cong had a network of underground tunnels and bunkers, which were used to store weapons and ammunition and to manufacture new weapons and explosives. These tunnels were difficult to detect and provided the Viet Cong with a secure base of operations.
One of the challenges faced by the US military during the Vietnam War was the identification and proper reporting of captured weapons and materials from the Viet Cong. In many cases, weapons and ammunition were simply destroyed or left behind, rather than being collected and analyzed. This meant that valuable intelligence about the Viet Cong's war materials was lost.
To address this issue, the US military established a system for identifying and reporting captured weapons and materials. This system included procedures for collecting and preserving evidence, as well as for transporting it to secure facilities for analysis. The information gathered through this system was used to develop intelligence about the Viet Cong's war materials and to improve the effectiveness of US military operations.
In conclusion, the Viet Cong's war materials played a critical role in their ability to fight against the government of South Vietnam and its allies during the Vietnam War. The weapons, ammunition, mines, and booby traps used by the Viet Cong were reliable and effective, and they were often produced locally, which made them difficult to detect and destroy. The identification and proper reporting of captured weapons and materials was crucial for developing intelligence about the Viet Cong's war materials and for improving the effectiveness of US military operations.