WWII Disposal Unit 'CLASSIFIED' Japanese 20mm Anti-Aircraft Tracer Explosive Detonator Photograph

WWII Disposal Unit 'CLASSIFIED' Japanese 20mm Anti-Aircraft Tracer Explosive Detonator Photograph
Size: 6 x 4 inches
This is original early war ‘CLASSIFIED’ U.S. Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal photograph shows a captured Japanese 20mm Anti-Aircraft Tracer Explosive Detonator Pom Pom Shell. The ruler placed next to the shell along with the contrasted white backdrop was used to show inside detonator. This deconstruction photo would have been the most crucial photograph as this was how the striker, booster, and shell were located to defuse the bomb itself. This photograph would've been used by the soldiers in training as well as the front line of the newly formed Bomb Disposal Squads during World War II to deactivate discarded, forgotten, or dud (fired but did not explode) Japanese explosive ordnance. These cards have been recorded as being carried by the soldiers of these Bomb Disposal Squads in both Europe and the Pacific Theater to aid them in the disarming of different ordinance types.
For more information of the history and research done by Karl L. Rubis (an Ordinance Branch Historian, and graduate of the U.S. Army Ordinance School) we recommend reading, The Ordinance Department Bomb Disposal Squad in World War II.