AAF Cloth Chart Escape Map Philippine Series Asiatic Series No. C-41 & No. 42

AAF Cloth Chart Escape Map Philippine Series Asiatic Series No. C-41 & No. 42
Size: 26 x 19 inches
This original WWII double sided Army Air Force pilot and gunners escape map printed on fabric. Contents: No. C-41 Mindoro Island and No. 42 Samar Island. This map is heavily used and shows extensive wear as these were often stuffed in the pocket or worn around the neck of American pilots. The map shows some of the most famous islands were some of the most intense air and naval fighting of the Pacific Theater occurred such as the Battle of Cape Engano, Battle of Tinaga, Battle of Samar, and The Battle of Bibuyan Bay.
The condition of this map has a ‘salty’ condition and shows signs of heavy usage. Maps such as this printed on the cloth like material were held by the pilots as well as bomber gunners of American aircraft bombing Japanese held islands in the Pacific theater. The cloth like and waterproof material of these maps was to be used in the event that the pilot and crew members were shot down over Japanese held territory. Labeling the terrain of the Island, as well as the currents in the ocean were vital in case pilots got shot down over land or the water.