WWI - "Bordeaux S.E." Map - Camp de Souge - 1st Lieut.. E. V. McKey Jr. - 134th Field Artillery

WWI - "Bordeaux S.E." Map - Camp de Souge - 1st Lieut.. E. V. McKey Jr. - 134th Field Artillery
Size: 29.5 x 21 inches
This World War 1 French operations map is titled “Bordeaux S.E.”, and shows the geographical landscape of the area of Bordeaux which played a pivotal role in winning the war – with the arrival of the Americans. This is the area where the first unit of the division (62d Field Artillery Brigade 134th and 135th (light), 136th (heavy) Field Artillery; 112th Trench Mortar Battery) arrived in France on June 18th, 1918. All elements, with the exception of the artillery, were immediately dispatched to the Bourmont (Hauto iviarne) hrea for preliminary training. For the same purpose the artillery was sent to Camp de Souge, near Bordeaux, It never rejoined the division during the period of hostilities,, but participated''in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, serving successively with the 4th American Corps. The gridded nature of the map is similar to those used by artillerymen and was most likely used as a practice firing and aid map used during the 134th F.A. training while at Camp de Souge.
Collection: 1st Lieut.. E. V. McKey Jr. and the 134th Field Artillery.
This exclusive collection of World War I maps are from the bring back collection of 1st Lieut. E. V. McKey Jr. who was an A.E.F. artilleryman and saw extensive combat over the course of WWI serving valiantly with the 37th Infantry Division - 62nd Field Artillery Brigade -134th Field Artillery Regiment. The 62d Field Artillery Brigade - 134th Field Artillery is accredited battle participations in the Marbache sector where they provided extensive fire support and artillery barrages during the Meuse-Argonne offensive as well as the Thiaucourt sector during the St. Mihiel offensive. Many of these maps were used directly by 1st Lieut. E. V. McKey Jr. and his men of the 134th Field Artillery as they provided offensive and defensive fire supporting for the Allies with their 75 mm cannons. The 62nd Field Artillery Brigade is one of the most infamous field artillery unit of World War .
*Attached is a fully scanned copy of the World War I combat history of 1st Lieut.. E. V. McKey Jr. and the 134th Field Artillery and can be emailed upon request.